February 21, 2010

CPA Exam

I was talking to my boss on Friday and the the topic of the CPA certification came up.  He was talking about preparing for it and how much it would help his career to make that step.  I feel like my boss and I have had a very similar career path and education level.  This conversation put this idea back into my head.

I have considered working toward the CPA certification in the past but I have always dismissed this idea.  Most of my verbalized dismissals are excuses that stem from my internal doubts.  I have always worried that I wasn't smart enough to pass the test.  I have had people tell me that they think I am smart enough but that still doesn't shut up the internal mean voice in my head that tells me that I am not.  I worry about failing.    It is almost as if I don't want to try because I don't want to fail.  As I was writing that sentence I realized how insane it sounded, except that still doesn't make me feel any different.

If I can get past the self doubts of failing then I encounter the discipline problem.  I have always had an easy time in school and most of the time I didn't need to study. I could just show up for class, pay attention and listen and I would do decently on my exams.  However, I don't think I could just walk into the CPA exam and pass.  I know it is going to take daily discipline to study and learn this material.  It has been a very long time since I have studied most of the material that will be covered and I am not really sure I digested it the first time.  Also, I don't use most of this material in my job so it is never being reinforced in my brain.

The main reason for partaking in this challenge is for more and better career opportunities.  As many of you know I feel like my current job is slowly sucking the life out of me.  This has to stop, but I am not sure that I have the required experience and skills necessary to make the next big leap in my career.  I am sure if I become a CPA, doors will open for me that remain closed today.

Upon discussing this idea with a friend yesterday she asked me if I thought that was the kind of job I wanted.  Hmmm...that was a very good question.  Do I want a job that will require more of my time?  I think not.  But the rewards for more of my time and additional responsibility is more money.  It is quite a conundrum.

So I guess I am looking for some positive encouragement.  I want you to tell me I am smart enough and be sincere enough that I might actually believe you.  But, how am I going to fix the discipline problem?  I mean it isn't as if it is going to be fun.  It is nothing like playing Rock Band or Oblivion.


zlionsfan said...

Is this something you really want to do? Is it going to lead to opportunities that you want? Will you take advantage of them if it means leaving your current employer and finding other work?

How much will it cost? How much time do you think it would take? Is it something you can afford to do right now?

Certification with tangible benefits (as opposed to what is present for people in my profession) may certainly be appealing, but it should really only be that way if it is what you want. If you don't want to be an accountant, being a certified public accountant isn't going to change that.

As for fixing the discipline problem, well, I can give you hypocritical advice if you like ... I would not worry about whether or not you can pass the CPA exam, though. I would only worry whether or not you really want to.

ems said...

You're good enough, you're smart enough, and doggone it! People like you!!

Seriously - I have no doubt that if you put your mind to it, you can pass the test with flying colors. But I'm also here to tell you that if your entire heart isn't in it, you won't go through with it and that might cost money and time that you wouldn't want to spend.

So take some time. Think about it. If you're still considering it seriously after 30 days or so, start looking into it seriously. And if you need a study buddy to keep you disciplined, I'm always here to help. I promise not to fall asleep on top of my ochem homework this time :-)

Moore said...

You occasionally say "I had it easy in school, I never had to study" but wasn't that because your curriculum wasn't challenging? I know you didn't have it easy in the one MBA class from hell, and you had to study and you did well. So ask yourself, do you want to be challenged and if the answer is yes, go for it. In this instance, I think the intellectual factor is secondary to willpower and determination.

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