November 11, 2011


I was sitting at my desk yesterday and I kept hearing something beeping every thirty seconds or so.  The constant beep...beep...beep began to drive me crazy.  I just couldn't ignore the sound (What if it was a bomb or something) so I took a tour of the office to try to locate the source of the beeps.  My first stop was the IT closet but it was silent.  My second stop was the kitchen and the noise was loud and clear in my ears.  Bingo!  I found the right location.  I stood very still in the middle of the room and I looked all around trying to discover the source of the beeps.

Immediately, my eyes locked onto the fire sensor on the wall.  There was no indication that it was the cause of the beeping but I quickly became convinced that was the problem.  I walked over to my bosses office to tell him of my discovery and I basically handed the problem over to him.  He tried to call the building manager but there was no answer so he walked down to their office on the second floor to inform them of our problem.

I told my boss of the problem because he is persistent and I knew he would take action.  And he did!  He found the maintenance guy and walked with him back to our office.  They stood in the kitchen and the maintenance guy walked over to our refrigerator and shut it.  The beeping stopped.

Oops...apparently it takes 30 minutes, three people and the maintenance man to close the fridge in our office.

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