December 17, 2011

My invisibility cloak has been enabled

When I was in high school I felt invisible.  I didn't have very many friends and I was awkward and weird.  The worst part was I didn't understand how to fit in and I have always walked to my own beat.  For example, I didn't listen to popular music in high listened to the oldies 60's and 70's station.  Weird.  My friends and I wouldn't even brave the cafeteria at lunch.  We would sit in the hallway next to the cafeteria and hide in plain sight. 

As an adult I feel that my high school invisibility was from my own doing.  I didn't really understand how to make friends and I didn't know how to be social.  I always felt self-conscious about how I looked and I thought that most other people were better than me.  Being very poor didn't help my self-esteem.

I don't often think or dwell about high school.  I don't look at my past as an obstacle but simply as part of who I am today.  For the most part I am pretty happy with who I am and with my ability to socialize and make friends.  I don't usually fade into the background because I am self-conscious and I try to embrace the good and bad parts of myself and look at myself as I really am. 

However, it is funny how something small and insignificant can make me feel like I am in high school all over again.  A few weeks ago I got invited to my high schools XXXX (the long long ago year I graduated) Facebook reunion page.  This page was designed to get everyone together and reconnect old friends.  I was part of the group but someone made a list of "missing people" and I was on that list.  It instantly took me back to the invisible feeling of high school.  I was there but not. 

I quickly got over the bad feelings but it was amazing how something can trigger a bad feeling and bring unpleasant memories to the forefront of my mind.  Gosh...I hate when that happens.

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