August 20, 2008

Bad Day

These last two days have culminated in me wanting to just hide under the covers of my bed. Let me break it down for you.

Yesterday morning as I was driving to work I tried to make some calls on my cell phone. It didn’t appear to work properly. I could only talk on the speaker phone function. I thought maybe there was a problem with the Bluetooth connection in my car and when I got to work I turned it off and removed the battery. Yet, it would still only work while I am in the speaker phone mode. This is extremely annoying to me and the person I am talking to. So I went to the Sprint store after work yesterday and there were two people standing at the check in desk. I couldn’t understand why it took two people to check me in and then I had to wait 45 minutes to talk to an associate. I then had to have a discussion with the employee to make her understand that I have the insurance on my phone. I told her I was paying $4 a month for something on my bill, she looked it up and it was for roadside assistance. OK…why would I add roadside assistance onto my cell phone bill. It was ridiculous, I tried to explain to her that I already have roadside assistance with my auto insurance and the person who typed in my order made a mistake. She stated that I basically had no recourse for this, but my phone was under warranty and it would only cost $50 for the deductible. She said I would have to wait 30 minutes for the tech to do a diagnostic on the phone to determine what was wrong. I had a prior engagement so I left and said I would be back at 8:15 to get it back. I arrived back at 8:15 to discover that I had to wait in the long line again for my turn. By the time it was my turn I felt that any patience that I had started with was LONG gone. The bottom line is that according to the phone tech my phone was “broke” (I feel like I had already made that determination without all of the time spent in line) and they had to order me a new phone and it would be in on Monday 08/25. So if you are going to call me this week be prepared for this annoyance.

Last night after I got home and I was wore down from the cell phone experience I decided to go into the bathroom and floss my teeth. I admit that I don’t to this as regularly as I should, but I am trying to make an effort to take better care of my teeth. As I was working on the upper right portion of my mouth the dental floss got stuck and it felt like I made my tooth move. I was using one of the dental floss on a stick apparatuses; I walked through the house with it hanging out of my mouth to go to the kitchen to get a knife to cut it out of my mouth. I felt ridiculous in the bathroom with a knife cutting out the dental floss. I call the dentist the next morning at 8am and they tell me that their first appointment is 10am. I go to work for a useless hour and head back out to the dentist at 9:45. When I arrive I explain to the dental assistant that I felt the tooth move. She said I couldn’t have. There is no way I could move my tooth. I guess she was right and there was no way that I could move my tooth, I am not superwoman. She tells me that a piece of my filling came off and is now stuck between my teeth. She uses a piece of dental floss and tries to force it out. After about five minutes of this torture she pops it out. It is determined that I need a new filling in the tooth and the tooth next to it also needs a new filling. So now this new dental visit is going to cost me $359. I am extremely tired of giving all of my money to the dentist. I want to keep some of it for fun stuff or even bills. They perform the work and I regretfully give them their payment and head back to work starving and looking like a dork. The entire right portion of my face is not working and it looks as if I have bells palsy. When I smile I looked like the Joker from Batman. Upon leaving, the dentist told me that I will need a crown on tooth #5 and hopefully the filling will hold up until January when I receive my new insurance benefits. Are you kidding me…I have to plan for another crown next year.

The final count so far is….7 Crowns and 4 root canals to date!

The third problem in these two days perhaps wouldn’t be such a big deal if I wasn’t already mentally suffering. I am in charge of buying a $200 gift card from Travelocity for the weight loss challenge we are having at work. I purchased it yesterday before I left work. When I got home last night I balanced my check book and saw the pending charge on my bank account. About 10:15 I got a call from a company wanting to verify the details of this purchase to determine if this was a fraudulent charge. I was confused as to why I would be receiving this call so late at night. I asked him twice the name of his company and it wasn’t Travelocity. I wasn’t familiar with the company name. I told the guy that I was uncomfortable giving him the information over the phone and was there a way for me to verify this information. He gave me his phone number and told me that I could call him back. I decided not to call him back that night as I wanted to think about the situation. This morning I called the phone number and a guy answered. I hung up because I was expecting an answering service. When I got to work I looked at my bank account and the charge authorization had disappeared from my account. I thought that perhaps the guy from last night was legitimate. I tried to call Travelocity and I talked to them for 20 minutes while the customer service person was trying to figure out what to do. I had to leave for the dentist so I asked her if she could call me back on my cell phone, I gave her my number but she never called me back. About an hour after I came back to work I received a call on my cell phone (which I had to take on speakerphone) from Chase bank inquiring on possible fraudulent charges on my account. I confirmed with her that I did make the Travelocity and Speedway purchases. I have never had so many problems buying a gift card. I still haven’t resolved this problem and I am unsure of what to do next. Any suggestions?

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