November 8, 2009

An Evening of Children

I invited Sarah and Paige (my nieces) over to my house for a sleepover on Saturday night. They are 9 and 6 respectively. I made these plans a couple of weeks ago because I haven't been spending very much time with them in the last few months, and I thought it would be nice to reconnect. It is often interesting to me the wisdom that comes from the children. Here are a few funny things that occurred during their visit.

Late Afternoon:

I picked the girls up at 4:30 and I was very fatigued from my 20 mile bike ride. I explained this to them and said I needed to have some rest time when we got to my house. I sat on my bed and turned on the latest episode of Project Runway. The children were surprisingly entertained by this show. They stayed fairly quiet and let me doze for that hour. I was very appreciative that they were so easily entertained.


I was going to make the girls some homemade chicken fingers with shake n bake for dinner but I was pretty fatigued. They just kept asking for a grilled cheese so I gave in out of convenience. I made them grilled cheese, canned soup and some gummy bears and they were ecstatic. It is so easy to please children. They were so happy to help stir the soup and set the table. They just enjoyed Aunt Candy's undivided attention.

When we sat down to dinner Paige asked me if we were going to pray. I said no. She then proceeded to bow her head and have a silent prayer. Seriously..she is only six. I was cracking up. We then had the following conversation:

Paige: Do you ever pray?

Aunt Candy: No

Paige: Not even when you were a kid?

Aunt Candy: I guess I did but not anymore.

Paige: Are you going to hell?

Aunt Candy: No...I don't believe in Hell.

Paige: What about Heaven?

Aunt Candy: I don't believe in Heaven either.

Paige: I guess you will just be in the ground with the worms crawling in and out of you.

Aunt Candy: You you are correct. The worms will get me.

After this conversation Paige got out of her chair and walked up behind me. She removed my hair band, gave me and once over and pronounced that I was Beautiful with my hair down. How can she already be so charming as six. Seriously, where does she get this from. I asked her for the band back and she didn't want to give it back. She looked at me, cocked her head and said I was much prettier with my hair down. Charming...Charming...Charming.

Early Evening:

The children brought over a DVD game called Disney's Scene It. It is a trivia game related to Disney movies. We enjoyed playing this for about an hour. Of course, the little tykes kicked my ass. They are much more versed in all things Disney than I. The end result was it was a very nice hour spent together.


After our game I promised the children that I would make them fruit smoothies. This is a treat that they only get at Aunt Candy's house and they love it. They act as if it is the best thing they have ever eaten. I prepared it with frozen berries, two fresh bananas and milk. It was a delightful evening snack. We drank our faux milkshakes while we watched Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. It was a very good evening.

I am so glad that I invited them over and I would like to be more diligent about doing this in the future. I will have to plan another weekend sleepover in December.

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