November 17, 2009

Little Bastard or LB for Short

The cat formally known as Mickey has a new name, Little Bastard. I think that it perfectly describes him as he was on a very annoying rampage yesterday.

I went to the grocery store yesterday afternoon and I purchased two packages of cat treats. When I got home I left some of the nonperishable items on the kitchen table and it included both packages of cat treats. I then went to my bedroom to enjoy some ice cream and TV time. I found it odd that the LB was not trying to sneak bites from me while I was eating, but I was happy to be eating my snack in peace.

About an hour later I wandered into the living room to see the package of treats on the floor and some wild animal (Mickey) had tore out the middle of the package and was gorging himself on the food. I promptly took it away and chastised the LB. He gave me a shrug and went about his business.

Later that evening Joanne asked me if I had been in the utility room lately. I replied No and she said perhaps I should go and investigate. The LB had vomited up all of the treats he gorged on. It was disgusting. I cannot imagine how he crammed so much stuff into his stomach since he is so little. I gave a giant sigh and went outside to spray off the rug. When I came back inside I gave him a dirty look and he promptly returned the look and then knocked over my water bottle that I left on the kitchen table. I am certain that he did it on purpose.

I was telling AL this story while we were on the phone last night and she asked me how Joanne deals with his antics. I told her Mickey didn't bother Joanne. Joanne then replied that they have an "understanding". Apparently, he has very bad manners for me and acts perfectly normal around Joanne. I just hope that Mickey isn't trying to teach all of his bad habits to Sparks. I can only tolerate one bad cat at a time.

PS...I sat down and explained to LB that is name is now officially changed. He responded by not speaking to me for the entire evening and he found himself a nice little spot above the refrigerator to have his evening nap. At least he is not trying to knock over my water;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG this is hilarious. LB is a hot mess!!


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