April 25, 2010

Music to my Ears

The Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra was kind enough to send me an email advertising this weekend's classic concert tickets were buy 1 get 1 free.  Score!  I emailed my favorite symphony companion and asked her if she had room in her schedule for some classic music on Saturday night.  After a few texts and a phone conversation we decided to get some tickets.  The regular price tickets range from $30 to $90.  In an effort to save money I suggested we get the second cheapest ($38) ticket available as we were there to listen to music and not to see the orchestra.

This is what happens when you buy the second cheapest tickets.  Yea....we were in the third row from the back.  I think the oxygen was a bit thin up in the second mezzanine balcony.  I felt like a commoner having to sit up in the nosebleed section.  I vowed to never let this happen again.  I much prefer the cozy chairs on the main floor in the middle.  As a matter of fact I had never even gone to the second floor until tonight. 

OK....there really wasn't much to see and we the acoustics were great upstairs but I think once you get used to a certain seat you don't want to be downgraded.  The answer is to buy more tickets when they are on sale in January and you can choose any seat for $21.

The show was called "Classically Cinematic" and featured classical songs from movies.  It was fantastic.  Let me say that again IT WAS FANTASTIC!!!!  I loved it and I am so happy that I was able to go this weekend.  I recognized most of what they played, and my favorite piece was their second selection, Wagner's "The Ride of the Valkyries".  It was beautiful and uplifting.  There is nothing better than live music done well.  It doesn't matter the genre (except for country...yuck), if it is done well it is awesome beautiful wonderful great and superfantastic.

The music program described the music and composers as well as the movie that highlighted it.  They included a piece from Aram Khachaturian, "Adagio of Spartacus and Phrygia" that was utilized in Ice Age 2 and 3 as well as Caligula.  Yes, they mentioned Caligula in the program and on the stage.  The 13 year old girl in me couldn't stop giggling.  You may remember this post I wrote about that movie.  Just one more thing to love about the ISO.

After the show we headed out to the 4th floor of the parking garage to get my car and go home.  When we arrived at my car the person who had parked next to the drivers side was waaayyyy too close and I couldn't get in my car.  However, I lucked out and they were in their car preparing to leave.  I just hung out talking to my friend while I waited the ten minutes for the traffic to clear and my badly parked neighbor could pull out.  Guess What....that little boy scraped the side of my car as he was pulling out.  I yelled out to him, "Dude, you hit my car."  He gave me a blank look.  I don't think he believed me at first but then realization dawned on his face.  By now he was backed up in the traffic and holding up all of the cars behind him.

He was about 20 years old and he gave me a scared look and asked if he could give me his phone number and could we work this out later.  I gave him a look of dismay and I said I wanted to verify he was giving me his correct number.  I got his number and called his phone to verify that it was his.  I also got his full name and his license plate number.  This was a really shitty way to end my spectacular evening of music.  I am just glad that I was there when it happened and I caught him in the act.  I am sure if I hadn't been there he would have been long gone by the time I returned and I would have been stuck paying for the repairs.  I think my poor little car has had a tough life so far.  At least she responds well to repairs;)

Thank you ISO for another great evening of music!

PS....Symphony on the Prairie will start soon.  I am especially excited to see The Sci-Fi Spectacular with George Takei in July.


zlionsfan said...

If this happens again, take pictures. His car, your car, other parts of the scene if relevant, as much as you can. You may not need them, but if the person who hits you turns out to be a lying sack of s--t and maybe even has another lying sack of s--t to "corroborate" their lie, any evidence you have will support your case.

This sounds like someone who just realized he screwed up. Maybe he also realized how much his car insurance is going to go up. Still, do not let him off the hook. Make his insurance company pay for it.

Glad to hear you got to see the symphony for a reasonable price. $19 apiece sounds like a good deal to me.

ems said...

I would have gotten the insurance information. Too bad about the cars backing up behind him. Sorry, but my faith in people is shattered.

I'm so glad you enjoyed the ISO, and I would TOTALLY be up for the SciFi Spectacular at the Symphony on the Prairie this summer. I am all about the symphony on the prairie.

Unknown said...

I called the guy today and he ended up having me talk to his mom. Snicker...snicker. She gave me the insurance information and it made me feel loads better about the situation.

PS...the Symphony on the Prairie sounds great this summer.

ems said...

Poor kid. Don't make fun of him yet. He's only 20....not really in the "real world," right? He should enjoy his mother taking care of these things for a while longer. I certainly miss those days.

BTW - I don't think the seats matter much at the ISO. I'm surprised they were a deal breaker for you?

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