May 10, 2010


I find the best way for me to accomplish tasks is to make them goals.  I LOVE biking and I wanted to make some summertime biking goals for myself.  I want to make them achievable but difficult.  Last summer I had three goals related to biking:

1.  Bike 500 Miles
2.  Ride a marathon (26 miles) on a single ride
3.  Get up the hill at Crown Hill without walking

Goal 1 and 2 were easily obtained.  I actually rode 700 miles last year and I easily rode the marathon on a sunny summer day.  Actually, the longest trip I went on was 42 miles.  But, I NEVER made it up the hill...booooooo!

Based upon what I achieved last summer I want to make this summers goals more difficult.

1.  Bike 1000 Miles
2.  Bike 50 miles in a single ride
3.  Get up the hill at Crown Hill without walking

I want to accomplish all of these goals by the end of October.  I know 1000 miles is an aggressive goal but I know I can do it.  If my math is right I will need to ride an average of 50 miles each week to accomplish this goal.  I plan on splitting up the 50 miles by riding at least three days per week.

I don't have a specific day set for the 50 mile ride, but I anticipate this being a warm July day with zero wind.  Hopefully, I will be able to convince a couple friends (hint hint) to do this with me and I am sure there will be some Bubs Burgers waiting for us at the end.

I think goal number 3 will take some perseverance.  When I was at Crown Hill last week I had a difficult time even getting up the base of the hill.  Practice, practice, practice!!!

Wish me luck!  And...when I tell you I cannot get up the hill tell me to shut up and just do it!


zlionsfan said...

If I am available that day, I'll definitely ride 50 miles. If we could get something other than Bubs afterward, that would be nice; if that's the reward you want, though, please don't change on my account.

It would be a good idea to do some reading about training as well as suggestions for pre- and post-ride meals. You want to make sure your body is doing what it's supposed to between rides ... if you are riding significantly farther than last year, you can take advantage of the extra calories burned if you set yourself up to do so.

Be very careful about that hill. That is a significant challenge. There's nothing quite like accomplishing a difficult goal, but it loses some of its luster if you're hospitalized or dead as a result. After all, once you've gone up the hill once, you'll want to do it again, right? :)

Anonymous said...

I look forward to riding with you, you and my compagno NM, and you and the chicks with the biking group. To sum it up, I'll ride with you and anyone that is cool and compassionate enough to humor the workarounds. Just think... it is likely my workarounds will give you more miles!!

Unknown said... are right the luster of the goal is gone when I am dead. But, my afterlife could consist of great biking trails with tons of good company.

Anonymous....we will go biking this summer. We should start planning some rides again soon.

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