September 26, 2010


I went clothes shopping yesterday and I had the following exchange with a stranger as we were paying for our items.

S:  I really want this DKNY gray sweater.
C:  It is divine isn't it.  You should buy it.  I am getting one.
S:  Um...did you see the price.
C:  No, I didn't look at the price on any of my choices.
S:  You might want to take a look.
C: is $89.
S:  Now  you see my dilemma.
C:  I still think it is beautiful and you should buy it.

Seriously.  Do I think I am a Rockefeller?  I didn't look at the price and apparently I didn't care as I still bought the item.  In my defense I had several 50% off coupons so the bottom line price was actually $44.  That was a much more palatable price. it awesome!

Last week brother Lou came over to see little Jadzia and we had the following conversation about my old iPod.

L:  What are you doing with your old iPod?
C:  What?  It's mine.
L:  I know whose it is but I was wondering what you were doing with it.
C:  You CAN'T have it.
L:  But, you are not using it.
C:  It doesn't matter how much I use it.  It is mine.
L:  Seriously,  you have a shiny new one.
C:  It doesn't matter as it is MINE and I am not sharing.

I assure you that old iPod is still on my coffee table.  Apparently, I have a bit of an attachment to it;)


zlionsfan said...

you don't look at price tags when you buy clothes?


Unknown said...

I am normally very price conscious so this was a very unusual occurrence.

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