December 17, 2009

Ruination of Candace as You Know Her

I was having a perfectly normal day. I met GH to see a fantastic play at the IRT. I enjoyed my time spent out and I was looking forward to doing some work on my laptop when I arrived home. I got home at 10:20 and after a few chores were done I settled down on my bed with my laptop for some Internet trolling.

All of a sudden the TV magically turned itself on to the Colts game. I am not sure how this happened or why. But, it was in time for me to see the game winning touchdown (should that be capitalized?) My hands were clapping and I was yelling accolades at the TV. I looked around in horror to make sure no one was there to witness to my uncharacteristic behavior. Embarrassment averted...Sparks promised to never tell and Joanne was still at work.

I tried to ignore the TV and read Z's and Ems current blog entries, but I kept looking up to see the action on the screen. Wow...there was an interception and the win was clinched! More yelling and clapping. How the F did this happen to me. I have always hated sports! I avoid them at every turn. My ears close when people speak about it and I respond with my non-listening noise.

I blame Z and Ems for this strange behavior. Ems had recently made it her mission to try and convert me. A couple of months ago she invited me to the Ale for an afternoon of good food and a thousand TV screens directed at different games. Due to my short attention span, I had a very difficult time paying attention in that environment and focusing on a game. Since then I have been bombarded with sports talk and comments on facebook.

Let me tell you that this indoctrination has gone quicker than expected. Lou has been trying to make me appreciate car performance for the last 25 years and he has finally been able to have semi-intelligent conversations regarding this topic. I even commented to him of the tight handling and quick response of his BMW when I drove it last week.

So expect me to deny any football appreciation in the future but know that I am secretly watching it at home on cold Sunday afternoons. Shhhh...Please keep quite about this as it is a secret!

****Beware...if I suddenly get a dog you will know I have been replaced by an alien or android.


Moore said...

Football is fine to watch on occasion, especially when your fave team is winning. But it is just too slow-paced for me on a regular basis. I find basketball more exciting.

Anonymous said...

You are hilarious!!
Go Falcons, I mean Colts!!


zlionsfan said...

excellent! Our plan is going exactly as expected! (smiles evilly, rubs hands together)

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