December 17, 2009

Sparks is a Super Cat

Sparks astounded me with his superior behavior this week. I got home from the gym late on Tuesday night and then I took a phone call for an hour. At 9:20 I was happy to finally have time to make my dinner. I prepared some bacon and I was going to eat a BLT sandwich. When the bacon was ready, I removed it from the oven and I sliced up the tomatoes. I began to assemble my sandwich with the mayo and then bacon. Then I got another phone call. I thought it would be reasonable short, so I left the sandwich sitting out partially assembled on the counter. I went to my bedroom and shut the door while I was talking, and I accidentally locked Sparks out.

I emerged from my room 1.5 hours later happily surprised to find my partially assembled sandwich still intact on the counter. Sparks never touched it. I was astounded as poor departed Mickey would have been all over that sandwich. He would have only left me crumbs and his vomit from overeating.

Thanks to Lou for teaching Sparks some manners before I adopted him.


zlionsfan said...

So how do you know he didn't touch the sandwich?

Candace said...

I could tell by the appearance of the sandwich. It was exactly as I had left it and I detected no bacon on Spark's breath;)

ems said...

I think the word you're looking for is "normal." As in, "Sparks is a normal cat."

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