January 21, 2010

Financial Diet

My checkbook and I recently had a heart to heart talk and we decided I needed to curtail my spending. It went something like this:

CB: Gee…my balance sure is low
ME: Please stay positive…I am sure I will be paid soon
CB: I would appreciate less swipes at restaurants
ME: I know…I know
CB: Vacations will need to be put on hold for a while

Seriously, I really need to make some changes in my current lifestyle. The biggest is my dining out budget. I know I want to eat out but I need to put a limit on it. I think I am going to start with $150 a month. Please understand when you ask me to go out and I have to say no….it is really going to hurt. I propose more social engagements at people’s houses and free activities. Biking season cannot get here soon enough for me.

Vacations…Vacations…Vacations…How am I going to go a year without you? I could possibly dive into the debts of despair. Ok…so I don’t think there will be none. But, I don’t foresee a fancy overseas trip anytime soon. I know I want to take my yearly visit to NYC and perhaps a couple smaller long weekend trips in the US.

The other big budget item I am giving up is my personal training. I am extremely sad over this decision. I know it is the right financial move but I will really miss this weekly event. I told the trainer and my training partner about it tonight and they were very sad. They tried to think of ways we could still do it...but I had to be firm and say NO. Ugg...that was hard.

Being a financially responsible adult sucks!


zlionsfan said...

Being a destitute adult is worse, especially if the mess is of your own making.

Don't be afraid to turn things down if you don't feel you can afford them ... and don't feel like you always have to give a reason. Your good friends will understand.

I believe you can make a difference if you're willing to put forth consistent, long-term effort. Just be careful: a few impulsive decisions can wreck months of caution.

If you need horror stories, I can share some with you.

Candace said...

Thanks for the encouragement. I know if will be a long road.

Moore said...

Are you really going to give up living like a Rockefeller? I am impressed. Here's what I suggest for your dining out issue (as if I am one to talk). Don't feel like every time you go to a play, event, movie etc. that you have to schedule a meal out before or after. There are sometimes when a meal out is rewarding and in my mind necessary, such as after a 20-mile bike ride.

Candace said...

I am going to try give it up living like a Rockefeller...but all I can think about is new electronics. Uggg

zlionsfan said...

There will always be new electronics later. The longer you wait, the cooler they get.

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