January 12, 2010

I am a Daydream Believer

Do you ever daydream? I do! I recently become aware of the quantity of time I spend daydreaming each day. What kind of thinking is a daydream? I don’t include thinking of everyday stuff like making a mental list of errands or thinking about a future social event. I would consider daydreams as thinking about things that could happen, perhaps unlikely, but are not necessarily based on my real life. Ok...I do think of things that have ZERO chance of happening...like riding to Mars on the space shuttle.

When the glass shattered and I started to keep track of my daydreaming I was amazed to discover that I spend an average of two hours a day on this activity. Go ahead and gasp...I did. Sometimes I do it in short 10 minute increments and other times I can do it for 30 to 45 minutes at a time.

I will provide you with an example from this morning. I woke up to my three obnoxious alarms and I killed the beeping one. I then decided to be irresponsible and go back to bed and listen to the radio for a few minutes. The commentators were talking about the Colts playoff game on Saturday and how you could win two free tickets if you call in and give a clever answer to what we should call the opposing team (I cannot remember the team name;). Anyways my brain begins to engage in a dream about winning the tickets (even though I never had any intention of calling the radio station) and who I would share them with and what it would be like to go to the game. I assure you I generally don't ever think about going to sporting events but I had a pretty extensive fantasy going for about fifteen minutes. I managed to keep thinking about it after I got up and I was engaging in my morning routine. Weird!

I do this all day long. I will often find myself looking out the window at work dreaming about something outside the context of reality. These daydreams encompass a variety of topics and locals. I find that I do this when my brain isn't otherwise engaged in a specific task or conversation.

I never hear my friends talking about this topic and I was wondering if other people spend time in this endeavor? Do you wish you could do it more or less? Do you dwell on specific topics?


ems said...

I do not daydream. I figure it's because I'm not creative enough.

Anonymous said...

I don't think I do this often. My favorite thing ti day dream about is winning the lottery. 20 million is thw minimum bench mark for this dream.


Anonymous said...

Relax! I think you are perfectly normal. I have read articles on this and if I remember correctly, people spend 2-3 hours a day daydreaming. Kids do it in school, people at work, and especially while driving. Is that dangerous? I don't know. I daydream when I drive and am a good driver. Sometimes people don't think of any specific thing when they daydream. They just drift off. Maybe it is our way of escaping reality for a bit. Anyway, I think it is normal and I think everyone does it. Maybe I'll keep track for a while and see what I specifically daydream about and how long. I never really thought about it but now my good friend has me tracking it. Sweet dreams my friend.


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