July 6, 2010

Forrest Gump

Do you remember that scene in Forrest Gump where Forest decides that he just needs to run and run and run.  He runs all the way across the North America a couple of times.  Tonight I felt like I was channeling that Forrest when I was biking.

I met a few friends for a casual ride at 4pm.  We rode a 19 mile route mostly on roads to the Velodrome and back.  It was a good ride and it included some challenging hills but when we had completed our route I didn't feel like I had satisfied my biking need for the day.  My friends and I stopped at Subway for dinner and when we were done eating I asked them if they were interested in riding some additional miles.  I encountered blank stares and NO's.  No problem I thought to myself, music could keep me company.  As our little group broke up I went back to my car to get my iPod and earphones so I could put in some additional miles before I went home.

When I left my friends I had no plan and no agenda.  I just headed out North on the Monon.  As I was riding I thought I would ride out five miles and then turn around and come back to my car.  I put on my favorite biking music (Def Leppard's Hysteria) and peddled away.  Before I even blinked I was five miles away and I  decided that I would continue to ride North to 146th St.  When I hit 146th Street I felt like I should finish out the trail and go to the end.  I did.  I cannot remember what street it ends on....maybe 165???

I took a couple drinks of my water and I turned around and headed south to Broad Ripple.  As I was riding I looked at my odometer and I realized that I would finish my ride at 40 miles and I gave myself a smug little smile at my accomplishment.  When I began to get close to where I left my car I felt like I wanted to continue to ride and I knew I had 10 more left in my legs. 

The time when I made this decision was 9:05pm.  Hmmm...I am not sure the rational portion of my brain was working.  I continued South on the Monon and I thought I would ride five miles and turn around.  I rode three miles out and I remembered that I didn't want to be stuck in that neighborhood after dark.  Yes, it was pretty dark by this time.  I promptly turned around and headed back north and again I rode past my car.  I just didn't want to stop.

I went back North and I began to feel that perhaps riding after dark on the Monon was a VERY BAD IDEA.  Yet, I continued to ride.  The rational and irrational parts of my brain were at odds with each other.  I was thankful that I had a headlight and taillight installed on my bike but it still didn't stop me from having thoughts that every person I saw was a serial killer.  The serial killer thoughts were very intense because I was away from the crowd and in the woods.  That is always when the girl is killed.  Luckily I hadn't had sex in the last couple of hours so I thought I was safe.  After-all, bad things only happen to the slut girls in the woods.

I finished out my ride at 50 miles.  Woo Hoo!!!!  It was a personal best.  The most I have gone in any day was 42 miles.  But does it count as a 50 mile ride due to the hour stop for dinner?  I don't know if that goal has been accomplished.  The answer is yes, I am hard on myself;)

Interesting Stats:

50.22 Miles
11.9 Average Speed
2 hours 51 minutes - Time in my Cardio Zone
2581 Calories Burned
4 hours 33 minutes spent riding
662 Miles for the season (my goal is 1000 miles)

I felt good after my long ride.  Minimal fatigue and my legs were still pretty happy with me.   I think I am much better as an endurance athlete than as a speed athlete.  Am I allowed to call myself an athlete?

Forrest Gump: That's all I have to say about that.


Moore said...

With that amount of biking, I believe you can call yourself an athlete...just don't get crazy and try to compete with real ones. By the way, did you do the July chicks ride? You probably could keep up with them now.

Anonymous said...

I would say it would depend on your personal goal. If your goal was to ride 50 miles in one day, then you met your goal. However, if your goal was to ride 50 miles in a ride, then you may not want to consider this goal met. It is all in your preference of what you wanted to accomplish.

PS – Gary did 72 miles yesterday.


ems said...

ath·lete - A person possessing the natural or acquired traits, such as strength, agility, and endurance, that are necessary for physical exercise or sports, especially those performed in competitive contexts.

There's no such thing as a "real" athlete. You are an athlete Candy. Not too many people can ride 50 miles in a day. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

zlionsfan said...

Candy, I don't think you have to ask anyone whether or not it counts. What matters is if it counts to you.

And yes, riding on the Monon after dark is a bad idea. :)

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