September 6, 2010

America's Next Top Model I am NOT

I bit the bullet today and decided to purchase some new clothes.  I abhor clothes shopping and I try to avoid stores at all costs.  Drop me off at an electronics store and I am in heaven.  Give me an invitation to the mall and I begin to have a stomach ache.

I started this adventure on Friday afternoon.  I stopped by The Avenue after lunch and I tried on six pairs of jeans, four pairs of dress pants and a pair of shoes and I left the store with ZERO items.  I just will not spend my money on something unless I really like the way it looks. If there is anything about the garment that bothers me, I leave it in the store. purchases.  Boo!!!

Today I decided to visit Lane Bryant and I put my mind to finding items that fit my style and were comfortable as well as functional.  I was in that store forever.  I believe it was three hours.  By the time I left I was on a first name basis with two of the employees and one of them gave me a hug as I left.  Seriously...the employee gave me a hug.  I guess I made her day.

When I first arrived I wondered around lost and I tried on several things with no luck.  Then I met X.  I explained to her my aversion to shopping and left to my own I would leave with plain jeans and t-shirts.  I knew that wasn't what I needed so I asked her for help.  She took me around the store and began to build me outfits.  She explained to me the wonder that is layering.  I have never done that before.  W.  Having the employee help me was like having my own personal shopper.  What an awesome experience. 

This top was off of the clearance rack and as soon as I saw it I thought of Mary Ann from Gilligan's Island.  This was the middle of the photo shoot and I was getting a bit silly.  I never knew what to do with my hands so I began to act like the women on The Price is Right.  I really don't know why the wooden cat is in the picture except that I couldn't get Sparks to cooperate with me.

This is an example of the layering.  The blue top is sleeveless and is very light so I shouldn't get hot in this outfit in the cooler months.  BTW...this is one of the rare occasion where you get to see me in heels.  I bet most of you never knew that I even owned any shoes with high heels.

This is my second favorite outfit.  I really like this jean jacket and it brings back memories of high school and my desire to own the perfect jean jacket.  I don't think I ever owned the perfect jacket as those came at a price that was just too dear for my HS income.

This is the first thing she brought me and by far my favorite outfit.  Look at those silver buttons.  Awesome!  Did you notice the brown shoes peaking out of the jeans?  What do you think?  Do they match?
Before I put all of my fabulous new clothes away I decided to do a major closet clean out.  The underlying reason for the shopping was that most of my clothes no longer fit.  They just hang off of me.  Woot!  I was in deliberation for some time as to the final resting place of these unflattering apparel.  Then I decided, F*uck It!  Get rid of it all!  I no longer need it and it should all make its way to the Goodwill.  I sincerely hope that I will not regret this decision.  In case you cannot tell this is close to three laundry baskets full of stuff.

I am not going to tell you how much money I spent, but I am pretty sure the manager of Lane Bryant is very happy today.  This was the most money I have every spent at one time on clothes.


Anonymous said...

My estimate is $500. Did you find any lane Bryant coupons? Traci and I like the one with the jean jacket the best!!

Good job loosing the weight and don’t worry about getting rid of the old clothes…I didn’t like them anyway!! J LOL

Also, I think this style of clothing fits YOUR style better. The other clothes seemed so frumpy and OLD. These outfits look younger and hipper. Good Job Candy.

Anonymous said...

OMG I love this post and you look soooooo fabulous in your new digs. You put a big smile on my face. I expect to see one of them on Sunday.


Moore said...

I believe you spent more than $500, LB can be pricey. By the way, you've probably heard me say the best way to know how you REALLY look in your clothes is to take photos of yourself in them. It shows you what the mirror never does. By the way, these are all good choices.

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