August 8, 2011

Small Steps

 I am an emotional eater.  Sigh. That is the cold hard truth of things.  For the last few months I have been very upset by something in my life and per my usual MO I have been eating out of control.  I NEED for this terrible pattern to stop.  Therefore, I have decided to implement a series of small steps that will enable me to get my eating back on track.

The first small step started last Monday.  I decided to quit drinking pop.  It was tough but I knew it was a good decision.  I decided to start with pop because I knew I was very addicted to it.  Um...Diet Cherry Zero ruled my life.  I always wanted it in the mornings and at lunch and and in the evenings.  I was drinking it all the time.  Then....they opened a McDonald's by my house and I started to stop every morning for a 32 oz Diet Coke (OK...I also got a breakfast sandwich).  This went on for a few weeks and I knew in the middle of was creating a very bad habit. 

So the pop stopped first and I was successful.  I have gone an entire week without drinking a carbonated beverage.  Woo Hoo!!!   It feels good to have control of that little aspect of my life.  But, I am not sure where I what to draw the beverage line.  Is the purpose of zero diet pop to eliminate Aspartame from my diet?  Can I still drink Crystal light?  I have been drinking it but I do sort of consider it on the same level as pop.  It adds unnecessary chemicals to my body.  Is it better to drink something with regular sugar and add the calories or should I just strictly drink iced tea, milk and water?  I haven't decided yet but I am in my "thinking" mode.

Today is the beginning of week two and I decided this weeks small step would be for me to bring my lunch 4 days this week.  Ugg...this is so hard because it really cuts into my socialization at work.  I love hanging out with my co-workers during lunch.  We enjoy talking and catching up.  I have tried to convince a few friends to bring their lunches but I am not sure it will really work.  I know the first time I am asked out when I have my packed lunch is going to be very hard for me. I know I will want to go out with them but I will have to say NO.  I have considered the idea of taking my lunch with me when they go out and it could work at some locations but not others.  Subway and Starbucks are easy because they have outside seating but a regular restaurant might not like that to much.

Now is the time for me to plan in advance.  I am not sure what direction I want to head for next weeks small step but these are some things I am considering.

1.  Eating dinner out only 3 nights per week
2.  Tracking my food (Ugg...I really hate hate hate this idea)
3.  Limiting desserts
4.  Eating a fruit or vegetable with every meal
5.  Eliminating fried foods
6.  Ok...I am out of ideas...

Do any of my loyal;) readers have any ideas for me? Any helpful hints?  I know I am not usually successful when I am tracking my food because I become obsessed with the food.  I am trying to make small changes that will help me in my long term weight loss goals.  I don't want to implement anything that isn't sustainable in the long term. I know overall healthier eating is going to be my long term solution but I just need to get there.


Anonymous said...

Hey girlie, that looks so great. I would suggest some empowering statements that will help you stay on track and remember your goals.

Okay-soda-so freaking awesome. Soda has phosphorus in it so it sucks the calcium out of your bones and you pee it out. So remember you will get osteoporosis if you continue drinking them and in early onset. Also the acid from sodas ruin your teeth.....friendly reminders just in case you have decided you wanted one and need to remember why you don't want those chemicals in your body.

Crystal light, aspartame, nutrasweet=evil. They do cause an obscene amount of problems in the body and should not be FDA approved. Squeeze a fresh lemon or lime in your water or put berries, cucumbers or fruit in it to give it another flavor. Only use stevia or agave nectar. No more high fructose corn syrup or cane sugar (I would highly recommend this goal)-the reason is b/c after three days without sugar I am now not even hungry I don't think of food and usually have to force myself to eat more calories.....never thought possible b/c I obsess over my next meal. It is so freeing.

I did a 6 week cleanse. I only ate whole foods and now that is all I want. I would recommend 2-3 days a week where you don't eat anything that comes from a box, bag or any kind of package. That is the goal I am now going with. Whole foods your body can use and find satisfying b/c your body can absorb the nutrients.

Take your food with you to the restaurant. As you know I do. IF they say anything tell them you have food allergies and end of discussion. It was weird at first but comes second nature to me now or I will eat before I get there. I prefer to have my food with me and I do NOT look at the menu b/c of temptation. You need to get your friends on board, tell them your goals and encourage them to help motivate you versus sabotage you.

I am your lifeline. Call if you need me to talk you off the ledge.

I hope this was useful.

Love ya,


Anonymous said...

I like the fried food one, what about drinking a glass of water before every meal?

Also eating an apple before your two biggest meals with the water
no snacking-three meals and one snack only making sure you have protein at every meal smaller portions

-for example I know it is cheaper to buy a large coffee with cream and sugar but a small one is fine eat from the children's menu when you do go out


Anonymous said...

As we discussed, I am all about the small steps. Also, we know that anything in excess is not good for you. People that I know who are within their normal weight range do not cut out red meat, sugar, dairy etc, but I will say they are not fans of carbonated beverages and don't drink them. I've found that since committing to eating healthier a certain number of days a week, I have have had more success at weight loss/maintenance. So, I think your idea of bringing your lunch is a good one. However, if the 4 days, doesn't work for you, don't give up, do it for 3, then increase it to 4 when you are comfortable with the 3. Just keep in mind that you and I NEVER would have thought that fitness would be as big of a part of our lives as it is now. So just keep reminding yourself that your goal is possible and attainable.

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