January 27, 2011


I was eating dinner with Em at her house tonight and before our meal she handed me a box of dark chocolates and she told me to take a sample.  She came back about ten minutes later and asked me which ONE I selected.  I gave her a shocked look.  Um...she just gave a sugar addict a box of chocolates and she seriously expected me to eat only one.  W.

I told her the three I sampled were delightful but perhaps it was time for her to move the box across the room.  Really one.  Who eats only one chocolate?  That is right...a CRAZY person.  Or a person who doesn't really like chocolate and I relegate them back to category one.  Crazy!!!


zlionsfan said...

A careful person. Chocolate will not help you reach your goal. Don't make each box of chocolates a decision; make the decision to reach your goal, and the box will be less of a temptation. (It doesn't happen overnight, though.)

Unknown said...

I know it will not. I keep working at it though.

Moore said...

One, seriously? That is hilarious. That is like someone eating one potato chip. You know eating three pieces of chocolate won't make you fail at your goal, but eating a whole box would. Since you said you gave the box back, it sounds to me like you know that. Carry on, Candy. You'll succeed.

ems said...

Each time I open the box, I only take one. Yes yes yes, we've discussed that I don't like chocolate, but neither of my parents show a high affinity to it either, so they only took one also. my assumption was based on past experiences with a very limited sample size. Classic research error.

I think zlionsfan has a valid point. You should listen to him. Even though when he tells me wise things I tend to hear "Blah blah blah" I have found that he tends to keep saying them until they sink in. Because he always has the best interest of his friends at heart.

And now I must ask the REAL question of the day... What is the status of the box of chocolates that I sent home with you?? :-)

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