March 9, 2011

When I was a Mormon

Some people have "Band Camp" stories, well I have several "being a Mormon" stories and one popped into my head today.

When I was in Junior High I was a Mormon and I attended youth church classes every morning before school.  I think the bus picked me up at 5:30 or 6:00am.  I don't really remember except that it was super early every day.  On one of these mornings I walked into the building and saw a member of the church sitting on the floor with tons of papers spread around her.  Every member of the class ignored this women and proceeded sleepily to our class room.  Little did we know that this was a lesson in kindness to others.  The lessons was that we should have recognized that this women was in need of our help and we should have stopped to help her pick up her papers.  Plus, we were all properly chastised for not being kind.  I believe that lesson is still ingrained in me today. 

I was walking back to my desk when I saw a co-worker sorting items from three different boxes from Staples.  Instead of sitting down I promptly went over and asked her if I could help her put some stuff away.  She said yes, and I happily took the items she handed me and put them away in the supply room.  I couldn't ignore her as it just wasn't possible.  I guess some lessons from childhood stuck with me even during my turbulent and emotional teens.


Anonymous said...

A lesson learned. I will remember this. Sometimes we get wrapped up in our own day to day chores and forget to see others in need.


Anonymous said...

I suggest that the words turbulent and emotional be bold, underlined and italics.


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