March 29, 2011

The second cat may have been a poor choice!

Jadzia is the bane of my existence.  She is always bad and getting into things.  I had her spayed a month ago and I had really hoped that she would have calmed down. Negative Houston! She is just as crazy as ever.  

One of her favorite activities is to sit in front of the big screen TV, stretch out super long, and run her claws on the front of the TV.  HELL NO!!!   That is not acceptable kitten behavior.  I try to redirect her but she thinks it's a game.  First she jumps on the dresser and looks at me to see what I will do.  I use my meanest voice and yell at her to get down.  Usually that only garners a ear wiggle so my next action is to get the water bottle out and hit it against the table.  She understands what that means except that she no longer cares.  At first it was fairly effective.  I would spray her and she would run away.  Now, I spray her and she tries to get behind the TV.  Then I get up and drag her out.  This game could go on for hours or at least until I shut her in another room. 

Saturday was the final straw for me. I was watching the exciting Butler game and in her craziness she ended up unplugging the cable from the TV.  I got very angry so I shut her in my closet . I had to watch the next portion of the game in the living room on the Old School SD TV.  Not cool!  At the next commercial break I raced into my room to determine what wire was loose so I could watch the rest of the game on the good TV.  At that time I vowed to take more drastic corrective actions.

On Sunday evening I went to the grocery store and I purchased some double sided tape.  I have heard rumors that cats don't like double sided tape and they will stay far far away after they have experienced a paw getting stuck.  When I got home I found an empty Cherry Zero carton and I cut it up so it would lay flat, and then I strategically applied the tape to the box.  Then I waited....and waited....and waited.  To my dismay, she never tried to get on the dresser the rest of the night.

When I got home from work on Monday I saw no evidence of her tangling with the box and tape so I had hoped that this would the end to our little "game".  All hope ended about an hour later when she made her first jump to the dresser.  She landed and slid because the box was not anchored to the top and as soon as her paws hit the tape she freaked out and jumped to the safety of my lap.  She curled up next to my leg and took a nap.  So cute! FYI...her cuteness is always short lived.

I WON!  I WON!  I WON!  I couldn't believe that I finally beat the cat.  I was ecstatic! That was until a couple hours later when Jadzia was refreshed from her evening nap and she was ready for some trouble.  She walked to the end of my bed and hopped the short distance to the dresser. I sat there smiling while I waited for her to freak out.  Um...she didn't.  She walked directly to the box and started to lick the tape.  What!  How could she know that licking the tape would make it less sticky.  Damn Cat.  She spent the next few minutes licking the tape from the edge of the dresser and then she ventured onto the cardboard box with no problem.  She quickly got used to the tape and she didn't mind her feet being mildly stuck to the surface.  As a matter of fact she had a new toy.  She took to chewing at the box edges and trying to tear the tape off of the box with her teeth.  Sigh!  I admitted defeat and I removed the box from the dresser and let her play with it on the floor.

A few minutes later she got bored with the new toy and she wanted to play with the TV.  God Damn CAT!  We went in circles with her jumping on the dresser and me spraying her and then removing her from behind the TV.  My finally resolution was to redirect her to the living room with some catnip on her scratching post.  That is where she is supposed to scratch...dumb ass cat.

My next move is to try some duct tape on the cardboard and some Bitter Apple Spray.  I may have lost several battles but I WILL EVENTUALLY WIN THIS WAR!


zlionsfan said...

Perhaps it would be different if you and she had more room in your house.

ems said...

See? Now you know how I feel about the litter. I am the human, you are the cat. I will win.

Good luck in your battles. Look into the sticky cat tape that's safe on furniture. You don't want the cardboard there... just the tape.

Anonymous said...

OMG this made me laugh so hard this morning!

What great least for me.


Anonymous said...

Oh candy...that sounds super funny. Kind of makes me think of the time you called me because of the worm in your living room. Darn wild life always causing you grief. Lol


Anonymous said...

I suggest a device known as a Dog Dazer or Pet Trainer. It does not hurt the pet. It just emits a high pitched sound that some pets don't like. My friend was able to train her cat to stay off of her kitchen counters with it.

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