July 13, 2008


I have discovered tonight that I use my right hand for everything that I do. I was at my brothers house for dinner tonight and he made steak fajitas and he had taken a heavy skillet outside to cook the sliced onions on the grill. When we were ready to start eating he brought everything in and set it on the counter and he set the very hot pan on the edge of the sink. While he was slicing the meat he must of shifted the weight of the onion pan and it started to slide into the sink. As a person who LOVES free dinners I didn't want to loose this tasty portion of our meal, so I grabbed the skillet handle with my right hand. I completely wrapped my hand around it and all of my fingers touched the handle. I wasn't until I touched it that I realized that it was steaming hot. I let out a very loud scream, later Lou's wife said I was so loud that she thought that he had stabbed me or something. I am not one to be overly emotional and dramatic about things but this REALLY hurt. I immediately put my hand under cold running water and burst into tears. I rarely cry and I have a fairly high tolerance for pain but this situation warranted the tears. As I was standing there my 5 year old niece came over to me and asked me if I was crying, I said yes because it hurt so much, she gave me a hug and went to her seat. I think she was confused. Since I love food I decided that I could still eat, so I sat at the table and with the remnants of tears on my face I tried to eat with my left hand. I assure you it is not an easy task. This little disaster gave me quite an appreciation for my hands and all the things in a day that I do with them.


ems said...

Yeesh! Are you okay today? How did you type the blog?

Candace said...

Very Carefully with one hand. I am better today, it will take some time for it to heal.

Moore said...

Sorry that happened to you. I've had a few experiences with burns, especially when I'm cooking. On the bright side, at least you won't have to worry about the pigment issue. Anyway, here is one of my favorite burn healing products:

First Aid Instant Burn Cooling Patches by Johnson & Johnson

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