July 15, 2008

Definition of Failure

I was listening to Glenn Becks radio show today (on my IPOD…so technically it was yesterdays show) and he was talking about what he thought was the definition of failure. He said…Never trying to begin with and being afraid to fail. This thought stuck with me today. I feel that I am successful at most things that I try but I am constantly failing at loosing weight. This seems to be my nemesis. I always try and something happens and I will choose to eat yummy greasy food and derail myself. After this happens I just can’t understand why I am never able to achieve this goal and why do I always fail. So after listening to Glenn’s radio show today it gave me a bit of insight on myself..I am only a failure if I never try. I found this to be a very powerful thought and wrote it down on a sticky next to me. Glenn talked about how Thomas Edison tried over 1000 times to invent the light bulb and like on the 1009 he finally found the one that worked and America all got light. I guess I am going to have to look at the endeavor of loosing weight and getting healthy in this manner. I guess I will find the right way for me on the 1009 time that I try or maybe 1010.

1 comment:

ems said...

You know - me too. I know myself well enough to know that anything I put my mind to - I do. I just must not want to make the sacrifices necessary to remain a size 6. Seriously. I just love food too much, and I don't WANT to order the sugar-free, non-fat latte. I don't see it as failure that I can't keep weight off....I just figure I love food too much and I'm going to have to accept that :-)

If you want a biking/walking buddy anytime, I'm free! :-)

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