July 9, 2008

IPOD Meltdown

Last night I was cleaning my house after my VERY busy weekend and I had my IPOD hooked up to my mini speaker set to enjoy some tunes while I cleaned. I went over and changed the album that I was listening to and all of a sudden it locked up. I don’t know what happened and I began to panic. The white background light was still on and as many buttons as I pushed I would get no reaction from the stupid machine. I tried to sync it with my computer but it still wouldn’t do anything. I LOVE my IPOD…so I went to bed in the depths of despair. When I awoke the light was off so I thought it was a good sign…I hit the buttons but nothing happened. I was worried about it all the way to work today and I had decided that as soon as I got to work I needed to call Apple support…I know I wasn’t able to get any work done if I was worried. However and Apple miracle transpired. When I pressed the buttons at work I noticed that the low battery message appeared and I know that I just heard the birds singing. I hooked it up to my PC and within two minutes it was working. My question is: where is the reboot button on my IPOD? It should have one.


ems said...

They do have a reboot button.


I had to learn this when MY iPod locked up also. The thing is that once my iPod locked up once, it had a propensity to do it again and again. Boo!

Candace said...

Thanks....Buy why can't thier be an obvious button...Like my PC.

ems said...

Because Steve Jobs believes that we only need one button. Have you seen the iPhone? Yuck.

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