September 30, 2008

New Family Member

I caved! I caved! I can't believe I caved.

Lou has asked me on and off for the last five months to take on the care of his cat. He got Sparks about two years ago when he finally realized that he and his ex were not going to get back together as something to distract the children with. He is the kind of brother that is always helping me out, he is the car expert so every time I have got a new car he is there by my side helping me make the right decision. Since I am the pet person of the family I went with him to the Humane Society to choose the new pet. I saw this cute and friendly black cat and I liked him. He had spunk. I thought he would need spunk to live with three rambunctious children. A couple months ago I watched Sparks while Lou was away on a vacation when he came back he made noises about me keeping Sparks but he missed him and took him home.

So Lou called me late on a Saturday night basically telling me it I didn’t take Sparks off of his hands he was going to go back to the humane society. I asked him where his compassion was. He was able to resist my guilt trip and said I had until Monday to make a decision. I am not sure he would have really taken him there but I was able to make a compromise with him.

I had a prospective roommate at my house on Sunday and as he was leaving he noticed a bees nest in my front yard bushes. I was totally grossed out! I knew that there was no way that I would personally take care of the bees on my own. I called up Lou that night and gave him my bargain. I said I would take Sparks if he would remove the bees and the nest as well as pay me some cat support for Sparks’ upkeep. We finally decided upon $60, a meal at a Mexican restaurant and bee removal and the deal was done. I now have a second cat and he is a pain. He fights with Mickey all of the time. The fighting frequently happens at night on my bed while I am asleep. I will try to catch a video of the kitties fighting in the future for your enjoyment!

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