February 16, 2009

Fun at Push! Gym

I have made a pact with two of my friends to get together once a week to work-out. This agreement has significantly increased my motivation level, at least to me working out once a week now, opposed to never going. We have been trying different locations and programs and we went to Push! in Castleton today. As usual there was a funny series of events that occurred while we were there.

After I arrived and took the tour, N and I were waking around waiting for our class to start. I realized that I had left my water bottle in the car so we headed back to the locker room so I could grab my keys, and as I was walking there was a step down. I guess I didn't see it because the next moment I was lying on the floor. I looked around in shock and started to laugh. I cannot believe that I fell down in the middle of the gym. I just got up and shook it off. I did skin my knee a little bit, but I was fine. I headed out to my car to get my water bottle and it wasn't there. I wondered to myself where I could have left it, and when I walked back in, i spied it on the front counter. Duh...it was right where I left it.

I had expected this dance class to be similar to the Zumba class I have attuned at the YMCA. I was very wrong. Basically this class was comprised of a slow warm up and stretching, some ab work and then he taught us steps to the Beyonce - Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It) music video. I should mention that I am aware of who Beyonce is, but I am not familiar with her music. I know...I know...where have I been? Even my 5oish roommate knew the song. I think that I kind of like it.

Here is the link to youtube so you can enjoy the tune while I finish my story.


The instructor was a very flamboyant black male who really likes the girls (Beyonce, Christina, and Brittany). He liked them so much that he named each of the students in the class after a famous female singer, I was Christina. Is there any resemblance? I didn't think so! N was Brittany and she objected, but he didn't rename her.

There were only four of us in the class so we each got extra special attention and I could not hide in the back. I guess my body is just not made for dancing. I have no rhythm and I cannot seem to remember more than three steps at once. I got confused and I was always on the wrong beat. I just flayed all over the place. I was very grateful that there wasn't a video camera in the room, or at least one that I saw. Even thought I looked like a complete dork, I had fun, and I am glad that I went to the class. The downside is that it really wasn't much of a workout. I don't think that this is the type of group exercise class that I can use for a cardio workout.


Moore said...

Christina as in Aguilera. I hope you knew that was a compliment. I'm sure you've heard some of Beyonce's music while she was with Destiny's Child. You saw the first Charlie's Angels didn't you? This is not some obscure R&B music, this was a top 10 pop song. Click on the link below to hear it and see the video.


Candace said...

I just listened to this link and I don't remember this song. I didn't generally listen to the radio before my IPOD I always listened to CD's.

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