February 23, 2009

The Oscar's

I had a fun little adventure tonight seeing the Oscars. This is not normally something I would watch from start to finish, because I usually loose interest very quickly. But, it is hard for me to pass up a social event as well as a good deal.

Earlier this week I received an email from Goodrich Theatre's advertising that they were going to be showing the live Oscar telecast in the movie theatre. The best part was that the showing was free. This seemed like a fun thing to do so I passed it on to a few friends to see if it would spark any interest. N and her husband were looking for some Oscar fun so they decided to attend.

I thought it was intriguing that the theatre would offer this for free. I had never seen this type of thing before. Last year I attended a live telecast of a Glenn Beck stage show but never something that was playing on regular TV.

When I arrived at the theatre and got my free tickets they informed me that because I was one of the first thirty to arrive I was entitled to a coupon for a free admission to a future show. I got three of them and gave the other two to N and her husband. It was like they were paying us to watch TV. I also came armed with a coupon for a large soda and popcorn for $3.75, this is practically free for a movie theatre. They also offer free refills at conveniently located drink stations. At the Castleton AMC theatre it costs almost $5 for just a large soda. I really like their business model and it makes me want to spend more of my movie dollars there. Before the broadcast started the employees brought in a box of individually wrapped cookies from Paradise bakery for the guests. I felt like we were getting Noblesville's version of the royal treatment.

Now my thoughts on the Oscars!

The logo that had the 81 indicating it was the 81st Oscars cracked me up, because it reminded me of the logo from the Eminem movie, 8 Mile. Every time I saw it through the telecast I chuckled to myself. I enjoyed the creative opening number and the interaction with the audience and Hugh Jackman. I was happy that Kate Winslet won for the Reader because she did have a very compelling performance and I really enjoyed the film. I was also delighted to see that Slumdog Millionaire won 8 Oscars including best picture. The movie was so very different than ordinary Hollywood films as well as being very captivating. I enjoyed Beyonce's musical performance. She really looked good in the red outfit. BTW...N had to point out to me who she was.

We were in the movie theatre for a total of five hours. We arrived at 7pm and the telecast finished at midnight. I don't think that I have ever been in one movie theatre for such a long period of time. The seats began to get a bit uncomfortable after hour three! I don't think that they were designed for a five hour viewing.

I am very happy that I went and had this new experience. I hope that they will continue to have new and interesting events such as this one in the future.

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