February 16, 2009

The Sea Farer

I went so see The Sea Fare with GH on Thursday night at the Phoenix Theatre. We met at our usual spot at 6:30 and we got there at the same time. She asked if I wanted to ride with her and I said yes but I wanted to eat first. I headed into When Harry Met Salad and ordered dinner. GH didn't eat and acted antsy while I was eating...I wondered why she was rushing me and acting anxious. At one point I asked her to stop rushing me and that we have plenty of time. She gave me a funny look and looked at her watch and then said, "Do you know the play starts at 7pm and it is 6:45". I was like "holy crap we are so late". I was under the impression that it started at 8pm...I am not sure why as all of the plays we have attended on Thursday nights always start at 7pm.

We rushed around, I thru out my garbage and she filled up her iced tea, and we got in to her car. When we sit down she panics because she cannot find her phone. She hands me her large purse to hold and eventually finds it in her lap. We laugh and I try to sit her purse in between us on top of the drinks. She picks it back up and hands it to me, and then picks up her drink which now has a pencil shaped stab wound in the middle and is flowing all over GH lap. I immediately start to laugh hysterically.....ha...ha...ha....I finally composed myself enough to find a towel in the back seat so she can dry herself. All of this craziness and we were late to the show.

We rush in and are immediately shushed because the play has started. We take our seats and settle in watch the show. I didn't have any expectations of the show but it was kind of weird and slow. It was set in Ireland and the actors had thick Irish accents. It was often difficult to understand what they were saying. During the entire first act neither of us could understand the point of the show. We wondered where was it going, what was it really about, we didn't know. I didn't dislike the show but I don't think that I really liked it either. It just was very slow and I feel like I have seen that story in various forms several times. I am sorry to say that this show does not get my exaltation.

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