July 22, 2009

For Your Reading Pleasure

An executive at my office sent this email to everyone in the company today:

On this rainy, gloomy summer’s day we all wish we were at home, curled up on the couch, listening to rain drops on the roof while reading a good book or magazine. Alas, such is not to be the case today.

However, kind souls do bring magazines into the café for everyone’s reading pleasure. Please do not remove them or take one with you if you happen to need to visit the loo. This will help keep the stock up and as clean as possible.

Thanking you in advance, I remain,


I about fell out of my chair laughing as I read this email today. Is this a problem we really need to address in the workplace? I have NEVER seen a magazine or any other reading material in the ladies bathroom. What do those men do?


Anonymous said...

We've had far worse restroom issues than that, and it ALWAYS involves the ladies restroom on our floor. There were a couple of women, who never were identified, that I believe were raised by wolves and acted accordingly. The men on our floor apparently have been taught appropriate restroom etiquette. Hopefully, you will never have to lead or attend a meeting about the lavatories at your workplace.

zlionsfan said...

I have seen magazines and newspapers in the restrooms at a former employer of mine. The concept of reading in the restroom is not foreign to me; in fact, I find it helps to pass the time in certain situations that require an extended visit.

However, although I care much less about germs than the average person, even I would hesitate to pick up a magazine left by a previous visitor. (For one thing, you have no way of knowing what he used to turn the pages.)

I've seen worse, though. A book or magazine or something left in the men's room at a highway rest area.

I have no idea what it was or how long it had been there. I definitely wasn't going to touch it to find out. I'm half surprised it didn't get up and walk away on its own.

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