July 12, 2009


Part of the wellness challenge at work involves a weekly walk on Wednesday's during my lunch hour. This walk usually lasts about 30 minutes. I am trying to become a regular member of this group but I sometimes forget or get busy or just don't want to do it.

The thing is that I really don't like to walk. I cannot explain how I like to ride my bike for 20 or 30 miles, but the thought of walking a mile exhausts me. It is a conundrum. There were only three of us that participated in the walk this week. This included to guys, one of whom is very tiny and runs five or more miles several times per week. He is extremely athletic and fast. The other guy is almost seven foot tall and his legs never end. I am friends with both of these guys but I didn't think that I could keep up so I took my IPOD to entertain me.

I surprised myself by keeping up with them. I was walking a a pretty fast clip for me and I think that they were walking at their normal walking pace. I felt good that I could even keep up with that. Next week I am supposed to lead this walk and I hope that they don't expect me to walk up front.

On a side note of walking I have been having these weird reoccurring dreams/daydream that I am running down the street. No one is chasing me, I am just running for fun and exercise. I find this to be very odd considering that I don't even really like to walk. This has been happening for the last two weeks or so. I told this story to some friends and acquaintance on Friday night just for some fun and laughs. Someone tried to give me the deep meaning behind my dreams. She asked me if I have a goal that I am working towards. I said yes, to not be fat anymore. She thought it meant that I was running toward this goal.

I guess I can either think that or that I am going to become a runner sometime in my future. I would guess that it is the goal thing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree with your friend. Your dreams are telling you something. You will achieve them soon Candy. I just know it.


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