July 31, 2009

Workplace Woe's

I have been having a hard time at work lately. It has not been making me happy and the emotion that it really resembles is misery. One of my friends told me recently that she can tell that work is making me unhappy because all of our email and text correspondence during the day is very abrupt and terse. This usually doesn't happen when I am at home in the evenings and relaxed.

Yesterday, I was at work and not feeling well. My allegories were bothering me and I didn’t want to eat my lunch. GASP….I always want to eat. I ended up eating about 500 calories all day until 6:00pm. This was hardly anything considering I usually consume 1000-1200 calories before dinner. I walked around the office all afternoon like an old lady. I walked slow and I was not interested in getting up to talk to co-workers or even get my printouts. I usually relish my chances to get up and away from my desk. A co-worker was worried about me at lunch because she said that I resembled a zombie. I just sat there staring out into space.

I had personal training scheduled for 4:45 and I was so tired and not interested in going. I told Hadley when I arrived that I was very tired and had extremely low energy. But you know what? That workout really perked me up. I was able to do most of the things that she requested and I got through my workout so quickly that I was able to do extra reps. I was amazed at the turnaround in how I was feeling.

I then drove downtown to see a play with GH and we were talking about that and all of a sudden I realized that all of my low energy feelings were mental. It was an epiphany. My body was fine…I just haven’t been happy at work. I find it interesting how my negative feelings can manifest themselves into physical ailments. I am glad I came to understand these feeling quickly and I can work on improving my attitude. This might not make me more happy at work but it could help me feel better while I am there.

I love that a bit of exercise and some time spent with a good friend can help improve my disposition so much. Just being around people that I like allows the negative emotions to flow away. So Thank You my friends for having this wonderful effect on me.


zlionsfan said...

Also, I know what you mean. I am frequently bothered by allegories, so I tend to use metaphors myself.

zlionsfan said...

When you feel that bad about work, something needs to change ... it probably wouldn't hurt to start looking around (AT HOME. NOT AT WORK.) for other jobs that might appeal to you.

Keep an eye on your performance at work, though. It might not be too bad to be fired from a job you hate, but it does force your hand in terms of your next step. Making no money at all is actually worse than making money at a company you dislike.

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