March 17, 2009

Bicycle Rack

My brother gave me a bike rack for Christmas, and I went over to his house tonight so he could install it tell me how to attach my bike. When I arrived home I set about the task of attaching the bike. When we tested it out at Lou's house we used his normal boy bike that has a top bar. I don't think that this rack was made for a girls bike, especially for a odd shaped one like mine. After I got it on the bar I used several bungee cords to keep it tight to the car.

After I was done I went inside and called out to Joanne, "Can you help me see if my bike is sturdy?" She walked into the kitchen with the oddest look on her face and she said "What?" in a perplexed voice. Apparently she thought I said, "Is this dirty enough?". I guess she was wondering who I was sending a dirty text too and why she needed to help me. We had a big laugh and then headed outside to check out the bike.

She was immediately amused by the look of my hillbilly mobile. But she did think that it looked sturdy. We decided that I could use something on the tire so it wouldn't scratch my car. I went and found a white dish towel and bunged it to the tire. Doesn't it look great?

This whole bike rack thing is not working out as I had imagined. I envisioned a much more dignified attachment to the car. Tomorrow will be the test run, I hope I can get to work without incident! It would be really bad if it fell off on I69 as I am going to work!

I hope that NM appreciates the effort I have made for our bike riding extravaganza tomorrow night.

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