March 30, 2009

Babysitter Aunt Candy

On occasion I have been known create an impossible schedule for myself. I did it again this past weekend when my sister was dropping off her three children for me to watch for three days. Check out my crazy schedule.

Thursday 03/26/09
Work 9-6
Half Price Book Store stop 6:15
Book Club 6:30-9:30
Dinner in my car on the way home
Wendy dropped off her three children at 12:30am
Tried to convince the children it is a good idea to go to sleep until 01:30
Passed out and let the children do as they wanted 01:45

Friday 03/27/09
Children wake up 8:30
I ignore the ruckus until 9:00
Feed the crazy children breakfast while downing a giant coke 09:15
Try to get the two girls to do homework while I Internet 09:30-11:15
Shower and dress to meet Lou for Lunch 11:15-12:15
Meet Lou at Hardees’s for lunch 12:30
Take the children to the Library to pick up my book for club book 12:45
Go to Fort Harrison State Park for Hiking Fun 01:15-04:00
Loose Camera at the park but don’t realize it until Monday Morning
30 Minute TV time with Kevin JR…while the girls do Homework 04:30-05:00
Lou drops off three more children at my house for dinner and then leaves
Take the six children to the Bounce Planet in Noblesville with Joanne 7:00-9:15
Taylor bounces out of the bounce thing onto her head 9:15
Rush home with frantic calls to Lou that Taylor needs to go to the ER
Bath the five children 9:30-10:15
Lou comes to pick up Taylor and take her to the ER 10:15
Try to get the remaining five children to sleep 10:15-12:45

Saturday 03/28/09
Children wake up 8:15
Aunt Candy finally get’s out of bed 8:45 after much begging for breakfast
Feed the children breakfast and shower 9:00-10:00
Take the five children to the movies to see Kung Fu Panda 10:30
Take the children home and feed them lunch 1:00-2:00
Fight with Kevin Jr. about eating his salad and drinking his milk
Take all of the children to Lou’s house for Sean’s birthday party 2:15
Some kind sole brought me Starbucks to perk me up
Participate in Sean’s petting zoo Birthday Party 3:00-4:30
Go home ALONE to shower and dress for evening out
Fold the Laundry, clean up messes, and empty the dishwasher at a furious pace 4:45-5:05
Shower and Dress 5:05-5:30
Casey comes by and we go downtown to Barcelona Tapas for dinner and then to the ISO for Cirque De La Symphony 5:30-10:30
Worms try to get me in Lou's driveway....I believe they were chasing me!
Pick up Kevin Jr and take him to my house 11:00
Kevin is in Bed 11:15
Hurray! It is Internet time 11:15-1:30

Sunday 03/29/09
It’s a glorious day as I wake up at 9:30 without being disturbed
Lou drops off remaining two children at 10:15
Quiet time in the kitchen for the children’s homework and more Internet time 10:30-11:30
Yummy lunch consisting of Broccoli, grilled chicken and left over mac and cheese 12:45-1:15
Shower and dress 1:15-1:45
Meet Ems at the Pinheads bowling alley for an expensive game of bowling with the three children 2:00-4:00
While waiting for our open lane to open up, go to CVS and Walgreen's to purchase water bottles for the three children
Back to Aunt Candy’s house to pick up dinner items and then to Lou’s house for a visit and then dinner
Zone out on Lou’s couch and stare at the wall while the children play 4:30-5:30
Cook dinner 5:30
Eat Dinner 6:30
The children make a mini movie for Sarah’s school project 6:30-7:30
Take the three children home
Three showers, packing, cleaning up room and setting up extra bed 8:00-9:00
Send the children to bed under threat of severe spanking if they get up 9:15
Internet Time!
Text Lou to tell him how proud I was to get the children in bed by 9:15
He replies that his have been in bed for an hour (Show OFF)
Go to the kitchen for a drink and find Shelby talking to Joanne 10:00
They were never asleep ;(
Update check book, break-up with the old boy, and IM a new boy 10:00-1:15am
Wendy and Kevin (the children’s parents) arrive at my house to spend the night
In bed and asleep 2:00

Monday 03/30/09
Wake up 8:00 and smile because I know the children will be going home today!
Go to work and finally realize that missing camera was left at Fort Harrison and one phone call later they confirm that they have it at the office
Work Time
Guests Leave 10:15
Lunch with Lou 12:00-1:00
Go home and crash for two hours even though I have a million chores waiting.


ems said...

Bowling was expensive?

I've been known to do this to myself as well. At least now it's over. Take a couple of evenings to recover and you'll be as good as new :-)

Candace said...

It cost me $30 for that hours entertainment. All of those shoes and people add up!

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