March 15, 2009

The Cat Empire

My sixteen year old nephew posted an inappropriate video on YouTube last week. I watched it and I thought it was hilarious, but it was a bit on the offensive and vulgar side. He made a five minute movie with his friends that included a soundtrack, titles and closing credits. I found it fairly creative use of their time but I digress. (PS...I don't think my brother would appreciate me posting the video here so if you are really interested email me and I will send you the link)

I really dug the music he used and after a fifteen minute texting session with him, I found out the name of the band. They are "The Cat Empire" a band out of Australia. I did some previewing on Itunes that night and discovered that I really enjoyed most of their music and I downloaded the two available albums. It is interesting to me that I have common music interests with a sixteen year old.

This is the link to go to a YouTube performance of The Car Song. Please Enjoy!

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