June 20, 2009

Wax On....Wax Off

Nutrition Counseling

I had my second nutrition counseling session with M today. I met her a Marsh and she took me grocery shopping. I thought I could benefit from this. I hoped it would help me make good choices at the store. As much as I like M, I don't think that I found this service useful. 95% of the things that we went over I already know. I am not trying to be a know it all or anything, but I guess I just need to put what I know into practice.

She did bring me some good recipes and I picked a couple to use as meals for next week. She helped me pick the best options for that food choice. At the end of our meeting I asked her about the payment and she said that I could call the gym with my credit card number. I had assumed that this service was $55 because that is the one hour rate. I was mistaken. It was $79. I about had a heart attack on the phone. That was almost how much I spent on my weekly groceries. I really don't think that I want to pay for this service anymore.

Things that M tried to teach me at the store:

1. Buy as many fruits and vegetables that I can eat.
2. Shop in the perimeter of the store and stay away from the interior boxed foods.
3. Buy low fat cheese not the fat free variety because it sucks.
4. Don't buy ice cream as it appears that I am unable to control myself around it.
5. Oatmeal with frozen blueberries is one of the best things that I can eat for breakfast.
6. Clean and prep the vegetables when I come home so I will be more likely to eat them.

This is about it. I bought lots of good groceries and have a plan for the week. BTW...I made these terrific turkey feta meatballs for dinner and they were divine. I cooked them and they tasted good...it was a miracle. I also made some sweet potato baked french fries. Dinner was good after my crazy afternoon.

Let me explain. I mowed and trimmed the lawn this afternoon for about an hour. It was blasted hot outside and I had to come inside and collapse on the couch to recover. About an hour into Sense and Sensibility (I LOVE this movie...the end makes me cry every time) I got my energy back and went outside to wash and then gasp...gasp...gasp...wax my car. I now know I have gone insane. What ever possessed me to wax my car? I don't mind washing the car, I have done it before and it isn't that much work. But wax it? That is hard! My arms were killing me. I am not kidding. About an hour into the project I started to drink some water and my arm was shaking at the effort to hold up the water bottle. As if! I NEVER want to do it again. I would rather do so many other horrible things than wax my car. But, I had to finish. I couldn't just stop waxing halfway through right? This tortuous task took me 2.5 hours to complete and I was excited to collapse on the couch again.

As I was doing these things I was thinking to myself that I just didn't do enough today. Why would I have that thought? Isn't all that outside side work plus a grocery store trip plus general house cleaning and multiple loads of laundry enough? I guess my brain thought I could do more. My brain is crazy!

Food Today
I am at 1608 calories so far today, I have about 300-400 calories left for another snack. I think that I did really well today.

BTW...thanks for all of the supportive emails...keep them coming.


Moore said...

This one isn't going to be so supportive. They are making a fortune off that nutritional counseling for information you already know. I love how slender people assume that if you are overweight, you don't know what healthy food is or that you don't know how to grocery shop. That is so not the issue.

Candace said...

I agree! I do think she was making that assumption.

Nicole said...

You know, this is such a psychological battle for all of us. I don't care how skinny you are, you always want to be skinnier...or stronger...or in control of food. But it's not really food that we need control over, it's ourselves. That's the crux, isn't it? We spin out of control and are faced with this reality when we look in the mirror or step on a scale. Then we get pissed off at ourselves for having that scoop of ice cream. Not because ice cream is the devil, but because we feel like failures. We know that we have, once again, succumbed to our weak human emotions. So, how do you make a real change for yourself?
Look, Mandy can give you all the tools in the world, but if you really want to get control over this you need to become conscious. Consciousness is turning off the chatter of the brain. You do that by knowing that you are more than your brain. Learn to control it before it controls you. Sometimes I find it helpful to repeat to myself something like, "I am not my brain.":)Ha! Other times I like to become accutely aware of my senses. This helps quiet the noise, both in the world around me, and in my own mind.
I know where you are because I'm there, too. I am an emotional eater. I eat win I feel bad, when I've accomplished something, when I'm bored, and especially when I'm anxious/depressed. Perhaps you don't believe that you, Candace, are an energy that is more than just a brain, and we can agree to disagree. I just hope that you can take something useful out of what I've said. I really wish you the best of luck because this is a life long journey. I know that we will both be happier if we can stick with it. It's tough, yes, but not impossible. Overcoming "it" is overcoming ourselves. That's what I believe.

Anonymous said...

Go Candy! Go Candy! Go Candy!


Candace said...

How philosophical you are today. Are these the techniques that you learned from your book?

Thanks for the advise, it was very helpful.

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